Hello to all. I'm surprised to find someone bored enough to be lurking into this place! And for that, I commend and welcome you. As what was mentioned on my title, I'll mostly be ranting about card games and the experience that I have with them. If you'd like to know, I'm currently playing mostly Weiss Schwarz (Japanese) and Cardfight!! Vanguard (English). I play Project Diva for WS while more on non-meta units for Cardfight!! Vanguard.
A little bit about me, I used to play Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters before, but I quit completely about 1 to 2 years back as it's getting more expensive and a bit more harder play with as a fun game with all the one-turn KO decks out there. I'm not the best duelist out there, so don't turn on this guy for tips since I haven't been on the scene for that long.
If you're wondering what to expect of this place, I suggest not expect much. I'll may be posting once, or twice a month due to my busy(?) schedule. I'll be posting deck lists that I'm using, unboxing videos (if time allows it) as well as videos where my friends and I are playing. Of course most of us are camera shy, so you may not get the best quality monologues out there but take your time and watch them.
So why I call this place "Stand and Draw"? Well, the reasoning is pretty simple; for both Cardfight!! Vanguard and Weiss Schwarz, you have to stand your cards first before drawing to mark the beginning of your turn. Simple no?
Again, if you are reading this, a warm welcome to you, and I hope I can hear from you as well.
Until next time!
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