Posted by : bloodychaos
Sunday, January 5, 2014
First post of the year!! And a happy new year to all. It's been about two weeks since my last post but with work getting too much into the way that I had to hold on a bit on writing a new post and deck building. Remaining time I had went to playing WS and Vangard on the weekends.
About a month ago, I got myself 4 boxes of Daybreak Illusion and mentioned about building a deck profile. I didn't actively build a deck until about a week ago, where I finally had the time to sit down and start building. While I did originally build after the box opening, I feel those are a bit weak and only tweaked them again later. Of course deck building is one thing; I've tested the deck to ensure it works as I would like it to. So far, it works well and pressure hard too 80% of the time.
This deck focuses on two tarot cards, The Moon, represented by Tsukuyomi Luna and Temperance, which is represented by Shirokane Ginka. An odd combo as they don't often appear together in the anime. This deck focus solely on high powered attacks and defence and a little bit on deck thinning. Now here's the awaited list!
Update: List has been updated since I managed to get more cards to improve the deck.
Level 0:
- 3 x Ginka, Loves Takoyaki
- 3 x Ginka, Girl of Destiny
- 4 x Ginka, Open-Hearted Girl from Kansai
- 4 x Luna, Flushed Cheeks
Level 1:
- 2 x Ginka, Deploy Order
- 4 x Ginka, Calculated
- 2 x Luna, Kind Smile
- 3 x Luna, Unexpectedly Enthralled
Level 2:
- 2 x Ginka, Rookie Member
- 2 x Ginka, Father's Child
- 3 x Luna, Rookie Member
- 4 x Luna, Girl of Destiny
Level 3:
This deck requires some setup from Level 0 onwards to get its engine going. It is still possible to be able to skip the setup at Level 0 and do it at Level 1. The setup I'm talking about? Getting at least two memory by level 1 and getting 3 memory before level 3. Reasons for this? Well, most of the attackers in this deck requires cards in the memory to gain lots of boost. I'll explain that in a moment.
Level 0 is where most of the key memory goers are. Takoyaki Ginka and Destiny Ginka serves to stock up your memory. If you can get all of them to the memory, it serves as a plus too. Tako-Ginka is a free memory card. As soon as it gets reverse, just reveal the top card and check to see if it's a tarot card. If tarot, put it to memory. Detiny Ginka is slightly more pricy. You need to pay a stock, drop a card from hand. The plus side? You get to replace that dead card in hand for something better and Ginka will then head to the memory. Kansai Ginka is your global 500 power booster. Flushed Luna is another attacker. She is useful in a sense that if you have 4 cards in the field and you called her out, she can hit for 5500, even 6500 at the right condition. Even Level 1s will flee from her.
My Level 1s are the attackers as well as defenders in early and mid game. Their only downfall - when you have no cards in memory, their attacking power is quite low. The two cards that have this ability are Calculated Ginka and Deploy Order Ginka. Both of these cards gains 1500 power when they have the minimum number of cards in memory. Deploy Order Ginka requires 2 memories while Calculated Ginka requires at least 1. Kind Luna is your usual counter card while Enthralled Luna is another big attacker where she gains 500 power for each tarot card you have in the field.
The fun begins at Level 2. Rookie Ginka is another counter for the deck so it's self explanatory. Father's Child Ginka is another big attacker. Like the Level 1 Ginkas in the deck, she need to have cards in the memory in order to gain 2000 power, which in her case, she needs 2. Rookie Luna is definitely the best booster in the deck. She is a global 1000 boost, meaning having 2 of her at the back stage ensures all your attackers gets additional 2k boost. Destiny Girl Luna is your healer. As the Level 3s of the deck is unable to heal, this card is really important as she allows you to heal a single point of damage. In WS, one damage may be a fine line between winning and losing. She's a climax combo and her ability seems a little costly at first, but thinking back, this deck don't requires much stock and the Climax card for her ability add in another stock for you in the first place.
For Level 3s, I play 3 Temperance Ginka. Usually by level 3, you'll have at least 3 cards in memory, which will activate her ability of getting a permanent 1500 power extra, making her 11k by herself. Her second ability is also great if you need cards but wouldn't want to clock to draw as it is the same effect since you would draw two cards and discard one. What I love about this card is her 3rd ability where when you play her climax combo, she gets an additional 6000 power and your opponent's encore abilities (including the rule induced encore) is sealed. In the right condition, she will be a 20k attacker, bigger than most cards out there. Destroying their main attacking force won't be much of a problem of course. My other grade 3 is Moon Luna. Her first ability is to give encore ability to other tarot cards in the field. Her second ability is similar to brainstorm, where calling her will allow you to look at the top few cards and keep one in hand, discarding the rest. Really great to look for those climax cards, an attacker or even a counter that you may need later in the game.
Climax comprises of Shine from Amaryllis Flower, a climax combo for Destiny Girl Luna. The climax card gives one soul to all your characters and you search one green card in the waiting room and place it to stock as well as a 2 soul trigger. The other Climax card is Bloodstained future, climax combo for Temperance Ginka. This card is a standard one soul one burn card as well as a 1k + 1 soul when played.
As mentioned, this deck mostly power based. Having grade 1s in the field that have up to 9000 attacking and defending power messes up with your opponent's play style and of course some will start play conservatively. I had players that refuses to do a front attack just because I'm 9k and the cards that are attacking are level 2, where they complain having short of 500 power sometimes. This is a good thing as you tend to receive less or no damage at all, allowing you to survive longer.
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