Posted by : bloodychaos
Sunday, April 27, 2014
It's been almost a month since the last update, apologies. I've been quite busy updating the online store. It's not even halfway done yet as I still need to add in cards from Ange Vierge.
Speaking of Ange Vierge, a new extra booster was released recently named Chapter 3.5: Progress' Holiday. Now don't get confused. This is not their 3rd extra booster but it is the first. The way boosters and trial decks for Ange Vierge are release are from the means of "Chapters". Like Chapter 0 is their prologue, which was their first Trial Deck and Chapter 1, 2 and 3 was boosters while Chapter 2.5 was a trial deck. It may sound confuse at first but from the trend, it seems chapters in whole numbers are boosters while anything in between (aka .5s) are either trial decks or extra boosters. To make things simpler, they have fine prints on the box and booster packs itself to identify what boosters they are. An example would be AS-01 which means "Ange Starter-01" which is their trial deck with AB-01 which means "Ange Booster-01" which would be their boosters and finally EX-01 which would be "Extra-01" for their extra boosters. The numbering will increase of course.
Now where was I...oh yea, the unboxing for Ange Vierge extra booster! Without further ado, here's the unboxing video!
Here are some images of the foils from the unboxing.
Also, this is a little bit of shameless ad but it'll be great if someone could help with the translation of the cards as well at the Ange Vierge wikia. Sadly, there is only so much one person can do.
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