Archive for September 2013

Wait, what!? An update so soon!? Well, I found time to put an update, so why not? Today, I'm going...
Deck Analysis: Shadow Paladin (The Origin)

Another day, another post since my last one. While I was contemplating on what kind of things to...
Deck Analysis: Project Diva F (Rin-chan bait-n-switch)

With the release of EB06, Dazzling Divas, as well as the first booster sets that introduces the...
Deck Analysis: Bermuda Triangle

Spike Brothers, one of the best clans out there is quite fairly underrated. Okay, I won't exactly...
Deck Analysis: The awesomness of Spike Brothers

One of the underused clans in my area - Dark Irregulars. This clan is pretty strong, hitting big...
Deck Analysis: Dark Irregulars
Hello to all. I'm surprised to find someone bored enough to be lurking into this place! And for that,...