Posted by : bloodychaos
Monday, February 17, 2014
"Look Ron, if you want this relationship to work, lose that mask or it's over!" "But...I am...the night!"
The dark Marquis have have revived himself to be more powerful at the cost of having a bad choice for his latest image change that made him look more of a dried tree/decomposing cockroach(?). But don't let that old twig fool you, his limit break is indeed powerful that butting heads with him unprepared may cost you that win.
So what makes Amon Reverse powerful? Well, technically, nothing much. His limit break ability is somewhat a carbon copy of the original Amon, with just that extra critical in the midst. This actually makes Amon a big hitter along with that huge pressure on the centre line. Sadly, the draw back like most Dark Irregulars deck have is its overall slow setup. But if a player is skilled enough to actually set up his field, he'll be pretty much at a point of advantage.
There are a few variations of Amon Reverse decks that I'll be putting in but most of the cards will remain the same with slight changes
Staple Amon Grade 0: 17 units
Grade 1: 15 units
Grade 2: 11 units
Grade 3: 7 units
Power Amon Grade 0: 17 units
Grade 1: 14 units
Grade 2: 11 units
Grade 3: 7 units
Burst Amon Grade 0: 17 units
Grade 1: 15 units
Grade 2: 11 units
Grade 3: 7 units
Here's a quick description for the three decks:
Staple Amon: I call this "Staple" as almost ALL Amon decks that I've come across plays this very same build, although mine have its trigger tweaked a little by reducing the crits and increasing the draws.
Power Amon: This decks simply replaces the normal G3 Amons for the Break Ride option. The deck will still work although some units that requires an Amon vanguard will fail for a short time which is pretty much negligible actually.
Burst Amon: One of my favourite build. As Amon decks tend not to use counterblasts at all, which I find a waste of good resources. Bloody Calf and Gwynn are good tech cards to screw up your opponent's field. This deck requires some skill to play but it's overall effects are devastating.
Three different builds. I just give them simple deck names just because I'm lazy. All three decks uses the same Starter and Triggers. They all play 5 Draws, 7 Criticals and 4 Heals along with Devil in Shadow as your staple G3 searcher. I find the new starter, "Amon's Follower, Fate Collector" is not that great of a starter as it simply let you draw a card and I rather increase my chances of not getting grade stuck in addition to using Devil in Shadow to filter out my G3s.
For the Grade 1s, the Staple and Power decks have the same line up. Hell's Deal soul charges two cards. Geenlin is your generic 10k attacker. Poet Amon is your 9k booster and Vlad is the perfect guard. These units are stays much the same in most Amon decks. For the Burst build, Bloody calf is your go to gal to retire your opponent's boosters and make them rage. Some decks may play Dimension Creeper, so you may want to give it a double take.
Like the Grade 1, both Staple and Power builds have the same line up. Ron Geenlin is that 12k attacker, with Hell's Draw your soul charger. Psycho Glaive is my personal favourite as it both gains power and adds one to the soul. For the Burst build, Glaive was replaced with Gwynn to stomp out your opponent's G2 and below.
My Grade 3s varies on all 3 decks. While the Staple decks usually goes with both Amon types, the Power type replaces the original Amon for the break ride option. This pretty much screams "perfect guard all my attacks or lose!". The Burst build however is more flexible. While Amon Reverse remains at 4, the other options of using Dantarian or normal Amon depends on the player. Both works but it up to the player's level of comfort on which unit to use.
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