Posted by : bloodychaos
Sunday, June 1, 2014
Wishing this is true...
Phew, it has been a month since I last where do I begin...Firstly, I apologize (again) for not updating much. Work has been extremely crazy that I didn't have much time for Vanguard or blog updates. It's a Sunday and I'm still busy working too but as I am writing this, I have already finished quite a bulk of things.
Initially, I wanted to use two different blogs; one simply for my rants, deck recipes and videos (yup this blog!) and another one for updates on the store. I realized then that having two blogs is a pain and decided to use this blog and twitter for both.
While my job have been pulling me away from playing TCGs, I do find at least 2 or 3 hours to play some games to unwind once a week. I mentioned busy, but I was busy on two ends, my real life job and of course updates for the webstore. So here are a few updates on the store end!
- Just added in more cards for Cardfight!! Vanguard, such as Trans-core Dragon or more Eradicator units. Also some EB09 Kagero cards as well from the booster draft!
- Search optimization!! Now you can simply search for the clans you need instead of jumping all over the place, scrolling through the booster sets and getting frustrated. To be honest, this took me a couple of hours to finish. Update: May need a little bit more optimization. Eg, if you search "genesis" you get nothing but if you search "Genesis" you get something. Will fix this in due time.
- Follow me on twitter! Posting updates on the blog, webstore and of course some random stuff! I'll be tweeting some of the box opening pictures for EB08 and EB09 this Friday Singapore time! (This will be a Thursday for those living in the west :D)
- Got a new scanner! Some pictures added in for those with blank images. While I can simply grab an image for Vanguard on the Wikia, I rather scan my own images for quality purposes. Of course another reason is that some of the TCGs I carry doesn't have good images hi-res off the web. WIXOSS and Weiss Schwarz are such examples.
- Blog have moved to a new domain! If you noticed, your address bar is now showing The old link will still be used, but it will simply redirect itself here.
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- Webstore updates and Random Rants!