Posted by : bloodychaos
Monday, October 14, 2013
What!? An update so quick!? Is the sky falling!? No, sky is not falling and I'm updating cause there's some free time in my hand. This time around, there's videos!! Now here's the bad news...the quality is bad. Not too bad, but still, bad. The sound is not as great and is a bit soft and all, so you may have to put up the volume of your headphones or speakers. Just a simple disclaimer, the one doing the unboxing isn't me; I'm the lousy camera man and the items here are my friend's.
The first video will be an unboxing of Sieg Krone trial deck, Attack on Titans. Now what is Sieg Krone? Well, it's a strategic card game, similar to chess I would say. I won't say it is fantastic as it's hyped up to be by the makers and quite a numbers of card game players says the game has too many flaws. I agree with them and I believe they may want to introduce a few rulings to make the game better. I may write up a review on Sieg Krone in the near future but first up, here's the unboxing!
Next up is Vanguard BT13 with Minivan DVD. I won't say much but do enjoy!
That's all I have to offer for today as tired bodies must rest afterall. Hopefully I can get a better camera in 2 or 3 weeks (better yet, before Vanguard BT11 is released).
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