Posted by : bloodychaos
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
In my previous post for Weiss Schwarz Project Diva F, I mentioned having 3 decks. This too was touted another deck with combo rarely used or never seen before that veteran players was surprise with or other Project Diva F users never thought of. This deck is my very first deck that I build after getting myself the booster boxes using Red and Blue.
A few players that borrowed the deck says it's not that easy to use. I have to agree a little on that. This deck relies a bit of combo when you're still at level one, but as long as you know how to use what cards you have efficiently, it is quite straight forward. But one of the most often comment I get is the deck doesn't have any change cards (from G2 to G3) or cards that recover damage. This is quite true as for Project Diva F, both Red and Blue cards have no change or cards that recover that one damage. Still, I do find it powerful enough that such skills can be neglected, albeit good to have.
Now enough with my rants and on to the deck list!
Level 0:
- 2 x Kagamine Len "Bad Boy"
- 4 x Hatsune Miku "Solitude"
- 2 x Hatsune Miku "Memoria"
- 1 x "Endless Singing" Hatsune Miku
- 3 x Hatsune Miku "Rin-chan Love Squad No.1"
- 2 x Megurine Luka "SW Resort Bikini"
- 2 x MEIKO "SW Long Pareo"
Level 1:
- 3 x KAITO "Guilty"
- 3 x Megurine Luka "Soft Light Coordination"
- 3 x MEIKO "Noel Rouge"
- 2 x Hatsune Miku "Dark Angel"
Level 2:
- 1 x Megurine Luka "San no Sakura: Maple Scent"
- 3 x Megurine Luka "Amour"
- 2 x Megurine Luka "Ruby"
- 1 x Hatsune Miku "Emerald"
- 2 x MEGANE (Event)
Level 3:
- 4 x ACUTE
- 4 x World's End Dance Hall
This deck is pretty much straight forward if you know what goes with what. Level 0 is quite similar to my Rin-chan bait-n-switch deck so I won't actually go into much depth for it.
Level 1 relies mainly on Luka and KAITO. KAITO Guilty has the ability to search for Luka Amour and Miku Innocent when you play together with his climax combo, ACUTE. I only play Amour as Innocent is quite costly to keep in the field, despite being a 10k card at Level 2. At the same time, KAITO will gain 2500 power. MEIKO Noel Rouge is your booster, where she gains 500 boost for every support card in the field. So if you have two of her, both MEIKO will be 1000 boosters. Soft Light Luka is your encore card and Dark Angel Miku is your counter card.
All of my level 2s are red cards. As mentioned before, Luka Amour can be searched with KAITO Guilty climax combo. Her ability to gain 500 power for every music character in the field when you call her out, making her a one turn 10k attacker, which is usually enough to catch most opponents off guard. Next, to another climax combo cards, Luka Ruby and Miku Emerald are your Level 2 combo with World's End Dance Hall. Luka Ruby's ability to force a damage by paying 1 stock can be good for end games, especially when your opponent is at level 3 with six damage. Miku Emerald helps you salvage a character card in the Waiting Room if you need something to defend with later, like grabbing that Maple Scent Luka you used earlier on. MEGANE is another salvage card where you can search your waiting room for 2 of them better character cards.
There isn't much to say about Level 3. Sadly, these 2 cards are the only viable options we have. But don't look down on them. KAITO MEIKO Original have a sweet second ability. While their first ability only triggers during your opponent's turn, where they gain 2000 power for defense, their second ability allows you to increase your hand size. Just attacking, reveal top card for a music character and put to hand before you do your trigger checks. The ability also comes with no cost so it's mostly a plus. Original Luka is another good card that at times overlooked. While her power gain of 1000 when you have 3 other music character is okay. her second ability to -1 soul on the opposite character is quite good against those big soul attackers. Her beauty shines with the 3rd ability. By paying 1 stock when you reversed your opponent's character, you can choose a card in the waiting room and put it on top of the library. I find this ability quite good in a sense it often lessens the chance of your opponent cancelling the damage you do.
My climax cards consists of ACUTE, which deals additional 2 souls when triggered, as well as a climax combo for KAITO Guilty and World's End Dance Hall that allows you to salvage a card from the Waiting Room and also a climax combo for Luka Ruby and Miku Emerald.
As you may have noticed, this deck plays mostly on power, surprise attacks as well as hand replenishment, ensuring you have the cards needed in hand rather easily. I say this deck is good for those who always have problems with hand size.
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