Posted by : bloodychaos
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Malaysia and Singapore qualifiers...and I got the same number too!
Let me get on for the Vanguard qualifiers on Saturday 26th October. After much consideration, I've decided to use Seal Dragon for the tournament. After lots of play testing the deck worked like a charm, pressuring and controlling my opponent's field with ease. I wasn't able to use Flare Whip as planned since I wasn't able to borrow the Dauntless Drive Dragon that I needed. Spike Brothers was in my consideration list and one way or another, it kept failing from one match to another. No triggers. grade stuck, bad name it. At the same time, the current Spike Brothers is unable to fight toe to toe with the new support from BT11.
My first match was against Angel Feather. I can't remember the fine details but my opponent panicked a few times and made a couple of mistakes that I exploited. My opponent was supposed to be able to block the damage, but forgot all about the Million Ray Pegasus on the side he can use to intercept. During the last moment, he guarded for 2 pass. I managed to get a double trigger - a stand and heal, which I pass all to Jacquard. He guarded my other rearguard, but didn't guard Jacquard since he thought he only have 10k to guard. At the end of the match, he face palmed himself after taking the final hit and looking at the field, after which he revealed a 10k guard in hand together with 2 grade 3s.
Freebies!! Same as in Malaysia.
Second match was against Kagero, Dauntless-Dote. My hand, was exceptionally bad. My hand consists of 2 G3, 2 G2 and 1 G1...and here's the best part, of all cards, the G1 was Seal Dragon Chambray. And because of that, boy my opponent ripped me up to shreds. I got killed before I managed to ride to G3, so 'nuff said.
Third match was almost a breeze. Fought against Narukami that was a mishmash of random cards. One way or another he will always get a trigger each turn, causing me to suffer a little. Of course being the good samaritan that I am, I used Corduroy to destroy his G1s and forcing his G2 out behind his units. After lots of blasting away his units, it came to a point where he have a few cards left in the deck. Still, I didn't win due to him decking out, but due to a bad mistake on his part.
The match that kicked me out of the tournament for good was against Gold Paladin. My hand was exceptionally great. I can crossride and attack. But things looked extremely grim as well. One way or another, my opponent will get a trigger during his damage or drive check while I get...nope, no trigger here. This happens for a while and I had to pray for a heal at the last moment. Nope, no heal either. What about the seventh damage...there ya go - a heal trigger.
I've decided to hang around for awhile for the free fight. Got myself a second Dark Goat, hanged around and took picture for a custom card. Played with some of the players of my group that was unfortunate enough to be kicked out like myself and a few other things.
Now the next news came in as a surprise. One of my friend actually managed to get 2nd place in the qualifiers with his newly built Celestial deck. Pics or it did not happen? His certificate below! Congrats Ken and Happy Birthday!
Congrats Ken!!
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