Posted by : bloodychaos
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
With every new boosters or extra boosters, some will rage, some will celebrate while leaving some with a "you've gotta be kidding me" expression. Looking through booster boxes 10 to 13 and the list of possible support for booster 14 was enough to make me rage. Don't get me started on the extra boosters either.
Some clans have way too much support, like Gold Paladin, Narukami and Nova Grappler, that even have a staggering 4 archetype! Seriously Bushiroad, does Nova Grapplers really need that much archetype!? It's already strong enough, if not overpowered, as it is! What about other clans that need much more support than these clans? I won't include Nubatama in the list since it got its support in BT13 but what about the other clans like Megacolony, Murakumo, Granblue and Spike Brothers? Okay, sure Megacolony will be getting more support in BT15 and Murakumo in BT14 but by how much and how well can these clans do against those huge name clans that are currently topping the charts left and right as well as getting more support from the very same boosters?
Continuing on, clans like Narukami getting supports from BT10, BT11, BT12 and BT14, Gold Paladin getting boosts from BT10, BT12 and BT14 while other clans like Great Nature getting only support from BT13, Spike Brothers only on BT10, Granblue in BT13 with only 7 cards for them. Now look at Gold Paladin. Narukami, Angel Feather or Aqua Force; how many booster boxes do they appear in? These clans already are strong as it is but getting more cards to make them even stronger while making other clans low priority is not a good idea to promote balance in the game.
Some argued that despite having more cards does not equate excellent support. I would say not quite so. Most of the support that most of us look at are at the "R" to "RRR" rarity. Commons? Not so much. Some common cards are pretty much staple or have better options. Every single time new cards got revealed, they're mostly new vanguards for a few clans and are mostly of "RR" or "RRR" rarity. We'll see one or two cards for alternative clans and then, a page spread of new cards for the most supported clans in Vanguard.
I personally don't mind having some support for a few clans in one booster box as Bushiroad is doing now but having more than half the clan in the box support for the meta clans that can dish out one-sided beating against non-meta clans is way too much that the only way to beat them is by using meta vs meta, unless of course you got lucky enough that your opponent wasn't able to guard against your attacks.
Still, this is just me ranting and venting out my anger. I know some will agree with me, some will disagree but I'm merely just mashing down my thoughts here. In the end, what I simply want to say is give other clans some love too rather on the the already large clans.
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Bushiroad has a hard-on for Aichi and Kai, hence they get oversupported. Bushiroad needs to stop sucking the main characters' dicks and start giving the other cland equally godly support.